Engineering Training Programs NEC has professional instructors and excellent training courses that are carefully prepared to satisfy the needs of engineering organizations to improve their engineer’s technical background. The following are some of the courses offered by our training team either public or in house: EE-01 Industrial Electrical Power Systems EE-02 AC Generators & Excitation Control EE-04 Power Transformers EE-06 LV,MV & HV Switchgears EE-14 Power system Grounding DG-01 Diesel Generators Design & Applications AC-01 Industrial Noise Control AC-02 Architectural & Building Acoustics AC-03 Exhaust Mufflers Design AC-04 Acostix Software Training Sessions AC-05 Advanced Noise Control and Measurements |

Power Generation & Control
- Power plants design and equipment sizing
- Independent power plants (IPP’s) configuration and operational studies
- Diesel generators design, manufacturing, installation and trouble-shooting
- Diesel generators studies in accordance to ISO 8528
- Specification and sizing of electrical generators, transformers and switchgear
- Power system design, control and protection
- Certification of Diesel Generators to ISO 8528-5
- Power Project management

Industrial Noise Control and Acoustics
- Industrial noise control solutions
- Noise calculations in free field and inside rooms in accordance to ISO standards
- Sound power calculations as per ISO standards
- Sound pressure level measurements and establish 1/1 and 1/3 octave band
- Design of splitter type silencers (attenuators)
- Design of acoustic louvers
- Aerodynamic calculations and design for silencers and louvers
- Accurate prediction of noise for industrial machines and environment
- HVAC duct design and calculations according to ASHRAE standards
- On Site Certification and Testing in accordance to ISO 8528-10
- Project management

Engineering Applications Software and Tools
- Load sizing software (LSize)
- Genset sizing software (NECSize), ISO, ASTM
- Exhaust muffler aerodynamic sizing software (Mufsize), ASHRAE
- Exhaust piping system sizing software (EXSize),
- Reactive and Dissipative Exhaust Silencer Tuning and Design Software (ExTuner), ASHRAE
- Industrial noise control and acoustics design & calculations software (Acostix AX-00)
- Diesel Generators Sound Attenuation Design Package (Acostix AX-05)
- ASHRAE HVAC Sound Attenuation Calculations and Design Modules,(Acostix AX-C)
- Diesel generators design and calculations software (GENSign)
- All NEC Software can be customized to suit different customer business